Exploring the life underwater at Kovalam – Manorama Online

I felt the weight drift away. As I floated further down, it felt strange. Soon, I saw the multi-colour fins, the blue wavy roof, the perfectly crafted vegetation and a foreground so fine and soothing to step on. The cool air that I was breathing, not only kept me alive, but had unleashed a new […]
Ocean trash at Bond Safari

The ocean sustains us with the basic elements of life. It produces half of the oxygen in the air we breathe, and it is an essential part of the water cycle, helping to provide the water we drink. The world’s beaches, the frontier of this essential resource, support ocean health. They provide habitat and nesting […]
Malayalis turn daredevils- Deccan Chronicles

A school of fish swam past her while she dived deep into the ocean. Bursts of green and white coral reef were seen to be spread in the seabed. And what she felt in the depths of the underwater paradise were moments of co-existential importance and absolute peace. If you are imagining this is happening […]
Collecting Trash Project of Bond Safari Kovalam

Our team is working hard on cleaning the ocean by systematically collecting the trash. During every diving session we do our best to get as much plastics as possible also, the waste hidden between rocks or floating around marine life. However, cleaning just the underwater or surface space has no point without cleaning the beach […]
Couple gets married under the sea in Kerala – Financial Express

In a unique wedding ceremony, an Indian groom and his Slovakian bride today exchanged wedding vows under the sea just off the coast of nearby Kovalam today. The couple– Nikil Pawar from Maharashtra and Eunika Pogran– in their wedding attire and scuba gear exchanged rings and specially designed garlands made of shells undersea in a […]
Top executives make waves, hold underwater conference in Kerala – The News Minute

The U-shape conference table was set, the name plates of all five top executives taking part in the conference were propped up on the table. Even the duration of the conference was meticulously planned- 35 minutes, not more, not less. But holding a meeting within the comfort an air-conditioned conference room is passé, it would […]
A pledge taken underwater The New India Express

KOCHI: It was a formal conference, but not one of their routine black-suit affairs. To start with, the five CEOs sat around a table underwater, communicating through hand signals and placards. And they were there for a cause – a campaign to stop underwater pollution. “It was a great experience taking the pledge to protect marine […]
World’s 1st Underwater CEO conference Took Place in Kovalam, Trivandrum! Ente City

Chief Executive Officers (CEO) from various multinational firms participated in the world’s first Underwater CEO Conference held at Grove Beach in Kovalam situated here. The participants included Hema Menon, the Centre Head of UST Global, Dinesh P. Thambi, Vice President and Delivery Centre Head, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) and Rony Thomas Zacaria, CEO of Avon […]
You would love to know why these top 5 Indian CEOs did a conference under water! – NDTV

Kerala has a new facility for under water conferences and after a couple got married underwater recently, a group of top CEOs did a conference underwater. You may think that this would have been a meeting of grave secrecy about business and profits, but it was not so. On the contrary it was about our lives, safety and […]